To clarify Employment relations are social communications based on an agreement between an employee and an employer. Whereby the former agrees to perform some work for a fee guaranteed by the latter. This type of interaction must be carried out following the laws established by the State. Therefore, it is important to message that both a natural person and a legal entity can act as employers.

Employment  Relations

An employment relationship is a message mode according to a written agreement between an employer and an employee. In most countries, the verbal conclusion of employment contracts between a worker and an employer is not allow.

A written contract is essential because it provides a sufficiently high degree of protection for employees against possible dismissal. However, the content of these legal relationships is reduced in most cases because an employee undertakes to perform work in his specialty.

The performance of the employment activity presupposes the subordination of the specialist to the internal employment norms established in the organization. A collective employment agreement can be adopt in the organization, which testifies to the appearance of additional rights and obligations.

Employment  Relations often consider:

  • Relations between employer and employees.
  • Between managers and subordinates.
  •  workers and other employees.
  • Between management and staff.

Employment relations are form under the influence of the social environment and depend on the actions of management structures. Whose task is to ensure compliance with the principles of constructive partnership and the development and maintenance of employment relations base on business cooperation. Mutual.

The parties to the collective agreement may provide for the specification and further development of social co-employment action and tripartite cooperation in matters of social and employment relations.

Principles of Social and Employment  Relations

  • Will and equality of the parties.
  • Mutual respect for their positions.

Social and employment relations are a system of agreements, commitments, conventions, and mutual contracts between employers and employees with the participation of a third party, that is, the State.

The social association relations are collective since they are based on the common interest of the trade union associations, the owners of the shareholders, and the company unions.

Regulation of Employment  Relations

Employment relations can be regulate through the conclusion, supplementation, or modification by employees and. Employers of collective agreements, agreements, and employment contracts following employment legislation.

However Collective agreements, agreements, and employment contracts can not coexist with conditions that reduce the level of rights and guarantees of employees, as established by employment legislation.

But If those conditions are include in a collective bargaining agreement, an employment contract, or an agreement, they cannot be apply.


The collective agreement includes five provisions:

  1. Rules
  2. and obligations regulate working conditions such as duration, payment, rest time, safety, and employment benefits.
  3.  regulating social services for employees.
  4.  and obligations that regulate relations are closely related to employment issues and the granting of benefits in the event of leaving the company.
  5. of amendments and additions to the collective agreement, the procedure, and the conditions of control of the company’s exit.
  6.  and obligations regarding social security and medical insurance for employees.

Regarding the signing of the collective agreement, it is brought to the attention of the representatives of the administration and the union, who are directly the executive person who certifies the documentation.


Therefore Labor relations are the work link between corporations, workers, and their councils.

In instruction for this bond to existing between employees and the organization. Actions must be put into practice to foster harmony.